Transportation Improvement Program
Each Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) is federally required to develop a Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)—a fiscally-constrained list of upcoming transportation projects—covering a period of at least four years. The TIP is developed in cooperation with the state and public transit providers and includes all regionally significant projects receiving FHWA or FTA funds, or for which FHWA or FTA approval is required, in addition to non-federally funded projects that are consistent with Missoula's long-range transportation plan, Missoula Connect 2050.
The Bike and Pedestrian Count Program was started in 2010 to better understand active transportation traffic patterns in Missoula. Counts are conducted by volunteers each fall and spring at numerous stations around town and are used to help understand trends and patters in bicycle and pedestrian travel.
The Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) is an annual, federally required statement to govern work programs for the expenditure of FHWA and FTA funds. The UPWP includes a description of the planning work and resulting products, who will perform the work, time frames for completing the work, the cost of the work, and the source(s) of funds for planning activities within a metropolitan planning area.
Transportation Alternatives
The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act allows for Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) to administer their own competitive application process (with approval and oversight from MDT).
The Missoula MPO will be administering a competitive process for the TA funding that is specific to those areas (funding specific to areas with a population of over 50,000). Applications from entities within the MPO and the MPO itself may also apply with MDT’s Call for Application as well, as there is funding that is not population based.
Click HERE for more information about the TA Program.