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Informes y estudios

Performance measures are a tool to describe how investments in our regional transportation system are helping to advance Missoula Connect’s goals. They are useful in monitoring progress toward the region’s desired outcomes, such as improved access to jobs and services and enhanced transit and active transportation connections to lower-income neighborhoods.

The MPO will use the performance measures outlined below to monitor progress toward Missoula Connect goals and federal targets. Federal targets focus on safety, infrastructure condition, reliability, and emissions reductions. The targets related to Missoula Connect’s goals are more holistic, as the regional goals capture equity, sustainability, connectivity, and economic development in ways that go beyond federal requirements. In many cases, the local targets are measures of actions the MPO is or will be taking to help achieve federal targets and our regional goals.

The simple framework included in
Missoula Connect will help us better align transportation investment decisions with tangible and measurable benefits. 

435 Ryman St

Missoula MT, 59802

(406) 552-6674

La MPO de Missoula intenta proporcionar adaptaciones para cualquier discapacidad conocida que pueda interferir

con una persona que participe en cualquier servicio, programa o actividad. Para obtener más información, llame al (406) 552-6674.

© 2019 Organización de Planificación Metropolitana de Missoula

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